
公司动态 所在位置- 首页-新闻中心-公司动态夏季用屋面装修隔热选择彩钢瓦还是树脂瓦好?


发布时间:2021-11-27 来源:http://jyjfsj.com/

Color Steel Tile and resin tile are two common tiles in our daily life, color steel tile is a new building materials. In recent years, resin tiles have also been widely recognized for their durability and are used in roofing. Many people don’t know much about either tile. Summer, the weather is getting hot, and it often rains, in this weather, many customers are concerned about their own roof decoration should choose color steel or resin tiles? Below, for you to introduce Jinan color steel tile these two kinds of tile characteristics.
The color steel tile is a new kind of light building material, which is sprayed on both sides of thin steel plate and processed into various corrugations, which endows the thin plate with good mechanical properties and plays the role of roof tile. Suitable for industrial and civil buildings, warehouses, special buildings, large-span steel structure roof, walls, interior and exterior wall decoration, etc. . The Product is characterized by light weight, high strength, rich color, convenient construction, earthquake resistance, fire prevention, rain prevention, long life, maintenance-free and so on.
The use of color steel tile has the following matters needing attention.
General Jinan Color Steel tile color to maintain 5-10 years, the use of 10-15 years. Compared with color steel tile, resin tile life is longer.
Single-layer color steel tile is generally used in factory buildings and other thermal insulation where sound insulation requirements are not high. If applied to residential office, the general use of Color Steel Sandwich Plate to strengthen the effect of heat and sound insulation. Color Plate good mechanical properties, large span, easy construction, beautiful shape, slightly higher price.
Color Plate can have different plate thickness, different surface coating methods, which directly related to the Mechanical Properties of Color Plate, anti-corrosion, heat insulation and other qualities, the price will be different
The following points should be noted when using resin tiles.
1、不耐高温,是以 PVC和 ASA为主要材料共挤成型的合成树脂瓦,两种材料都是在约180度高温下自身硫化发生物理变化。制品冷却成形后在70-80度温度下会因高温变形。因此,合成树脂瓦不适用于冶炼、铸造、钢铁等高温领域的建筑屋面瓦。
1. It is not resistant to high temperature. It is made of PVC and ASA as main materials. Both materials have physical changes of self-vulcanization at about 180 °C. Products after cooling forming at 70-80 degrees temperature will be high temperature deformation. Therefore, synthetic resin tile is not suitable for smelting, casting, steel and other high-temperature areas of the building roof tiles.
2. Thermal expansion defects, when the temperature is between-30 °c and-70 °C, the gap structure between the polyvinyl chloride molecules will change significantly due to high and low temperature contrast, that is, thermal expansion and cold contraction. Therefore, the synthetic resin tile in the design of purlins spacing requirements strict to prevent the synthetic resin tile due to thermal expansion and cold contraction and sagging or bulging, reduce the waterproof effect.
It is not suitable to use in flat roof, the slope of synthetic resin tile should be between 20-80 degrees, flat roof construction is not conducive to drainage, therefore Jinan Caigang tile is recommended to use synthetic resin tile as the main roof material, do not use large-span, flat slope of the building roof.
It can be seen that the two tiles have their own advantages and disadvantages, in the selection can be based on their own needs to choose the appropriate tile.