
公司动态 所在位置- 首页-新闻中心-公司动态常见的型材有哪些?工字钢属于型钢吗?用途范围大概是怎样的?


发布时间:2024-09-04 来源:http://jyjfsj.com/


55世纪  Common types of steel profiles include:

55世纪  1、工字钢:截面呈“工”字形,广泛应用于建筑结构、桥梁等。

  1. I-shaped steel: with a cross section in the shape of an "I", it is widely used in building structures, bridges, etc.



55世纪  2. Channel steel: Shaped like a groove, commonly used in building frames, mechanical manufacturing, etc.

55世纪  3、角钢:有等边角钢和不等边角钢,可用于构件连接、支撑等。

  3. Angle steel: There are equilateral angle steel and unequal angle steel, which can be used for component connection, support, etc.

55世纪  4、H 型钢:截面形状类似大写字母“H”,具有良好的抗弯能力,常用于大型建筑和钢结构工程。

  4. H-beam: with a cross-sectional shape similar to the capital letter "H", it has good bending resistance and is commonly used in large buildings and steel structure engineering.

55世纪  5、Z 型钢:截面呈“Z”形。型钢的用途十分广泛,比如:

55世纪  5. Z-shaped steel: The cross-section is in a "Z" shape. Steel sections have a wide range of applications, such as:

55世纪  1、在建筑领域,作为钢梁、柱等主要受力构件。

55世纪  1. In the field of architecture, as the main load-bearing components such as steel beams and columns.


  2. Steel structures in industrial plants serve as important supporting and connecting components.


  3. The framework and structure for manufacturing large mechanical equipment.

55世纪  4、铁路轨道的垫板、连接件等也会用到型钢。例如,在建造大型仓库时,工字钢常被用来搭建稳固的框架结构;在一些机械制造中,角钢常用来加强结构的稳定性。

  4. Steel profiles are also used for the pads, connectors, and other components of railway tracks. For example, in the construction of large warehouses, I-beams are often used to build stable frame structures; In some mechanical manufacturing, angle steel is commonly used to enhance the stability of the structure.


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