
公司动态 所在位置- 首页-新闻中心-公司动态常见搭建材料彩钢瓦的操作事项


发布时间:2022-10-25 来源:http://jyjfsj.com/

Color steel tile is a common product in our factory building. It has a good service life and is maintenance free. It is now widely used. We will use caulking and weather proofing during the installation of Jinan color steel tile. What should we pay attention to in the operation
1. The gap between plates shall be cleaned sufficiently, and the bonding surface of color steel tile shall be cleaned and dried.
2. After glue injection, the surface of color steel tile glue joint shall be smoothed to remove the excess glue.
3. In order to adjust the deep layer of the seam and avoid sticking glue on three sides, the seam is filled with PVC foaming material (small round bar).
4. Attention shall be paid to curing after glue injection. Before the glue is fully hardened, it shall not be contaminated with dust and scratches.
The manufacturer of color steel tile tips: if you feel that there is still a solution for color steel tile, you should use epoxy resin and curing agent to improve it.
1. In case of rainy days, it is necessary to wait until the roof is dry before construction.
2. If it is windy weather with force 5 or above, the construction shall be stopped immediately.
3. Color steel tile blowtorch and fuel shall be placed separately during construction, and shall be watched by special personnel.
4. During the whole construction period of color steel tile, it is necessary to make sure to prevent fire and fall from high altitude.
Color steel tiles may be corroded and damaged due to some external factors after a long time of wind and sun exposure, which will affect the protection effect. However, when the damaged parts are not large enough to be replaced, they need to be renovated, which can not only restore the protection effect, but also save a lot of costs. Follow us http://jyjfsj.com , learn more!