
公司动态 所在位置- 首页-新闻中心-公司动态岩棉板和矿棉板有什么区别?


发布时间:2023-12-11 来源:http://jyjfsj.com/


Different properties


55世纪(1) Rock wool board is an inorganic fiber board made mainly from basalt and processed by high-temperature melting.


55世纪(2) Mineral wool board is a decorative board made of mineral wool.


Different stop characteristics


(1) The raw material of rock wool board is natural volcanic rock, which is a non flammable building material for fire prevention. The outer layer of rock wool board has slender and flexible fibers and low slag ball content. Therefore, the thermal conductivity is low and the insulation effect is good. Meanwhile, rock wool is an ideal sound insulation material, with a large number of slender fibers forming a porous connection structure, which determines that rock wool is an excellent sound absorption and noise reduction material. Rock wool has stable chemical properties and is neutral or weakly alkaline. Metal materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, and aluminum do not corrode.



(2) The decorative effect of mineral wool board is excellent, with rich and colorful flat patterns and relief three-dimensional shapes. Good thermal insulation performance and low thermal conductivity, making it a good insulation material. It can keep indoor warm in winter and cool in summer, effectively saving energy for users. The main raw material of mineral wool board is ultrafine mineral wool fiber, which has rich through holes and can effectively absorb sound waves, reduce sound wave reflection, and thus reduce noise. Due to the fact that mineral wool is an inorganic material that does not burn, and the organic content of mineral wool board is very low, mineral wool board can meet the requirement of non combustible B1 level.


55世纪Different applications:


(1) Rock wool boards are commonly used in industrial construction.


(2) Mineral wool board is mainly used in conference halls, libraries, music halls, hotels, sports venues, hospitals, office buildings, and production workshops


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