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合成树脂瓦 vs 彩钢瓦有什么对比性?

发布时间:2023-11-21 来源:http://jyjfsj.com/


There are various types of roof tiles, each with its unique appearance and performance characteristics. Roof tiles are an important part of a house. Roof tiles of different shapes and colors can bring different decorative effects to the house, while roof tiles of different performance can provide different protective effects. Taking synthetic resin tiles and colored steel tiles as examples, although both are new types of tiles, their decorative and protective effects on houses are different. Material composition: Synthetic resin tiles are usually made of resins such as polyurethane, PVC, ASA, and glass fibers. Color steel tile is a metal roof material composed of galvanized steel plate and coating.



Durability: Synthetic resin tiles usually have good durability and can be used for more than 10 to 30 years; Although colored steel tiles are relatively sturdy, they are susceptible to corrosion and oxidation, and have a general service life of 10-20 years.


Waterproof performance: Synthetic resin tiles have good waterproof performance, which can effectively prevent rainwater leakage; Color steel tiles are prone to water leakage after long-term use.


Installation method: Synthetic resin tiles are relatively lightweight and easy to install, usually fixed to the roof with nails or screws; Colored steel tiles require more tools and skills to install, as steel plates need to be cut and bent to fit the shape of the roof.


55世纪Appearance: The appearance of synthetic resin tiles is diverse, and different colors and shapes can be selected according to needs; The color and shape of colored steel tiles are relatively single.


55世纪Overall, synthetic resin tiles are suitable for buildings that require a longer service life and excellent waterproof performance, while colored steel tiles are suitable for buildings with high requirements for building material costs.

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