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发布时间:2023-06-10 来源:http://jyjfsj.com/

Kitchen oil fume in the catering industry is one of the important sources of urban air pollution due to its ability to float in the air as an aerosol, posing great harm to the atmospheric environment and human health. Many hotels choose appropriate kitchen exhaust systems to control kitchen fumes. So what design points should be followed for the smoke exhaust system of hotel kitchen engineering to ensure good results?
1. The composition of the system should be reasonable
There are many components of the kitchen smoke exhaust system, and each component plays an indispensable role. Famous domestic kitchen smoke exhaust system manufacturers will choose the appropriate type and operation mode of the oil fume purifier based on the actual needs of hotels, and ensure that each component of the smoke exhaust system is located reasonably and connected appropriately during design.
2. Determine the exhaust volume of kitchen oil fume
In order to ensure the best purification effect, well-equipped kitchen exhaust system manufacturers should strictly calculate the exhaust air volume based on the suction wind speed of the exhaust hood when designing exhaust systems for hotels. After calculating the exhaust air volume, the suction air speed of the hood should also be calculated based on the hood area to ensure that the suction wind speed of the hood is not lower than the specified minimum standard.
3. Design a good kitchen air supplement
Due to the different locations of kitchens in buildings, conditional kitchens should be designed with orderly air supply from the central air conditioning system of the building when designing kitchen smoke exhaust systems. In this way, when the kitchen is in a working state, the kitchen smoke exhaust system can be better put into operation, and the kitchen is in a negative pressure state. The sources of fresh air include outdoor fresh air infiltration and a large amount of restaurant air entering the kitchen.
In order to achieve the best kitchen smoke exhaust effect, Hengding Commercial Kitchen summarizes that the smoke exhaust system of hotel kitchen engineering should follow the above points when designing. Because the layout and area size of each kitchen are different, only by ensuring that each component of the kitchen smoke exhaust system is very reasonable, as well as having appropriate exhaust air volume and air supplement effect, can we truly achieve the standard emission of kitchen oil smoke.
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