
公司动态 所在位置- 首页-新闻中心-公司动态济南岩棉板:岩棉板施工要点与注意事项


发布时间:2024-10-14 来源:http://jyjfsj.com/


  Rock wool board is mostly used in the construction industry and belongs to a type of external wall insulation. When organic insulation materials with a market share of 90% are stagnant and waiting, rock wool, as an inorganic material for external wall insulation with a fire rating of A, has ushered in an unprecedented market opportunity. Many rock wool board manufacturers have also expanded their processing workshops and engaged in price wars as a result, giving rock wool board a certain price advantage and attracting more customers. The key points and precautions for construction during use are as follows:


55世纪  Key points of construction


  Before construction, a special energy-saving and insulation construction plan for the engineering project should be prepared according to the design and requirements of this regulation, as well as relevant technical standards, and technical disclosure and professional technical training should be provided to the construction personnel.


  2. The construction of the rock wool board external insulation system for energy-saving insulation projects should be carried out in accordance with the approved construction drawing design documents and the approved energy-saving insulation special construction plan for engineering projects.


  3. The production enterprise of rock wool board external insulation system should have professional personnel to provide on-site guidance during the construction process, and cooperate with the construction unit and on-site supervisor to do a good job in construction quality control.


55世纪  4. Materials entering the site must be inspected and accepted according to specifications, quantity, and quality requirements before they can be stored, and should be kept by a dedicated person. It is strictly prohibited to stack them outdoors. The curtain wall rock wool board should be stacked in an elevated moisture-proof manner. [1]


  5. Construction should meet the following conditions:


55世纪  5.1. The treatment of the base wall and its cement mortar leveling layer, as well as the installation of embedded parts, have been completed.


  5.2. Necessary construction equipment and labor protection supplies should be fully prepared.

55世纪  5.3.施工专用脚手架应搭设牢固,安全检验合格。脚手架立杆与水平杆与墙面,墙角的间距应满足施工要求。

  5.3. Construction specific scaffolding should be securely erected and pass safety inspections. The distance between the scaffolding poles and horizontal poles and the wall, as well as the corners of the wall, should meet the construction requirements.

55世纪  5.4.基层墙体应坚实平整,表面干燥,不得有开裂,空鼓,松动或泛碱,水泥砂浆找平层的粘结强度,平整度及垂直度应符合(建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范)GB50210中普通抹灰工程质量的要求。

  5.4. The base wall should be solid and flat, with a dry surface, and should not have cracks, hollows, looseness, or alkali bleeding. The bonding strength, flatness, and verticality of the cement mortar leveling layer should meet the quality requirements of ordinary plastering engineering in GB50210 (Code for Acceptance of Building Decoration Engineering Quality).


55世纪  During the construction of rock wool board exterior wall insulation, construction shall not be carried out when the temperature of the base layer and construction environment is below 5 ℃. Construction shall not be carried out in windy weather above level 5, rainy or snowy weather. Effective measures should be taken during and after construction to prevent rainwater erosion and direct sunlight exposure, and a protective layer should be promptly applied. If there is sudden rainfall during construction, measures should be taken to prevent rainwater from washing away the wall surface; Winter construction should adopt anti freezing measures in accordance with relevant standards.


55世纪  Before large-scale construction, according to regulations, sample walls should be made on site using the same materials, construction methods, and processes, and confirmed by relevant parties before construction can proceed.


55世纪  When using rock wool board for construction, operators should wear personal protective equipment, take good care of occupational health protection, and pay attention to construction safety.


  9. The materials related to the rock wool board external insulation system that must be inspected should be sent to qualified testing institutions for testing. Only after passing the testing can they be used.

55世纪  10.岩棉板的粘贴宜采用条粘法或点粘法,涂胶面积不应小于50%。岩棉板抹完胶粘剂后,应先将保温板下端与基层粘贴,岩棉板应自下而上沿水平方向横向铺设,并应采取边铺边锚固,板缝应自然靠紧,板间缝隙不得大于2mm,如缝宽2mm时,应有保温材料填充处理,相邻板面应平齐,板间高差不得大于1.5mm。

  10. The bonding of rock wool board should use strip bonding method or point bonding method, and the adhesive area should not be less than 50%. After applying the adhesive to the rock wool board, the lower end of the insulation board should be glued to the base layer first. The rock wool board should be laid horizontally from bottom to top, and anchoring should be done while laying. The board joints should be naturally close, and the gap between boards should not exceed 2mm. If the joint width is 2mm, insulation material should be used to fill it. The adjacent board surfaces should be level, and the height difference between boards should not exceed 1.5mm.


  11. All through wall pipelines and components that can reach rock wool board should have their outlet parts filled with the same material and sealed for waterproofing.


  12. If the veneer layer falls off during the construction process, it should be fixed in a timely manner by bonding or anchoring with anchoring devices, and the exterior surface layer construction should be carried out in a timely manner.

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