
公司动态 所在位置- 首页-新闻中心-公司动态岩棉板的生产要注意哪些?


发布时间:2023-10-06 来源:http://jyjfsj.com/

Sound insulation rock wool board: Firstly, it is the raw material preparation stage, and the rock wool board is mainly composed of rock wool wool and auxiliary materials. Rock wool is a fibrous material formed by molten basalt ore being ejected by a high-speed rotary spinneret. Auxiliary materials include resins, crack resistant reinforcing agents, etc., used to increase strength and change the properties of the board. At this stage, various raw materials need to be mixed in a certain proportion and dried to ensure the smooth progress of the subsequent process.
Fireproof rock wool board: Next is the melt spinning stage. In specialized equipment, the mixed raw materials are heated to high temperature to melt and form fibrous materials. Then, the molten material is sprayed out through a high-speed rotary spinneret, forming long and soft fibrous rock wool. During the spinning process, it is necessary to control parameters such as temperature and spinning speed to ensure the uniformity and quality of the fibers.
接下来是成型加压阶段。将喷丝得到的岩棉毛通过输送带或辊筒进入成型机中,经过压实和加热处理,使岩棉毛相互交织,形成坚固的板材。在此过程中,需要调节成型机的温度、压力等参数,以确保板材的厚度、密度等满足要求。然后是固化切割阶段。 岩棉板厂家表示成型的岩棉板通过自然固化或热固化,使板材结构更加牢固。固化完成后,需要进行板材的切割和修整,以得到符合尺寸要求的产品。通常采用电动切割、刀具切割等方法进行。
Next is the molding and pressure stage. The rock wool obtained by spinning is fed into the forming machine through a conveyor belt or roller, and then compacted and heated to interweave the rock wool and form a sturdy board. During this process, it is necessary to adjust the temperature, pressure, and other parameters of the forming machine to ensure that the thickness, density, and other requirements of the board are met. Then there is the curing and cutting stage. The rock wool board manufacturer stated that the formed rock wool board is naturally cured or thermally cured to make the board structure more firm. After curing, it is necessary to cut and trim the board to obtain products that meet the dimensional requirements. Usually, methods such as electric cutting and tool cutting are used.
保温岩棉板:然后是表面处理阶段。为了增加岩棉板的使用寿命和外观美观,需要对板材进行涂层处理。一般会涂覆聚酯漆、氟碳漆等防火、耐候性能较好的涂料。 岩棉板厂家表示在此过程中,还可以根据需要进行喷绘、印刷等工艺,以满足客户个性化需求。以上就是岩棉板的生产工艺流程。岩棉板厂家在生产过程中需要严格控制每个环节的质量,确保产品的性能和品质符合要求。只有通过科学规范的生产工艺,才能生产出高质量的岩棉板产品,为建筑行业提供优质的隔热、隔声解决方案。
Insulation rock wool board: then the surface treatment stage. In order to increase the service life and appearance of rock wool boards, it is necessary to apply coating treatment to the boards. Generally, polyester paint, fluorocarbon paint, and other coatings with good fire and weather resistance are applied. The rock wool board manufacturer stated that in this process, spray painting, printing and other processes can also be carried out as needed to meet the personalized needs of customers. The above is the production process of rock wool board. Rock wool board manufacturers need to strictly control the quality of each link in the production process to ensure that the performance and quality of the products meet the requirements. Only through scientific and standardized production processes can high-quality rock wool board products be produced, providing high-quality insulation and sound insulation solutions for the construction industry.
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